Saturday, February 19, 2011

Belair National Park Visit

On February 19, Malcolm, Gloria and I went to pick wild blackberries at Belair National Park, 30 minutes drive from Adelaide. We parked our car at the gate and then walked into the National Park. I was very happy to visit the park because we hoped to see Kangaroo, Koala and Kookaburra. Australian people really love to be part of nature. They have conserved the trees not only in the park, but in the city too.
As we walked 300 metres into the park, Malcolm showed me a bunch of black berries. I picked it and had a new taste. "wow! new taste! sweet and sour!!"
As we walked a little more, Gloria pointed us to a Koala. It was sleeping high up in a tree. It looked sleepy and lazy. I took some photos of it too. We also heard the welcome songs of kookaburras.
We reached a big group of blackberry bushes. We picked a lot of black berries. I tasted many ones. The hooked thorny bushes scratched on my hands many times. I suppose they did not want me to pick their fruits.
We walked two and a half hours. We saw a hare too. But we did not see any kangaroo on this day. Malcolm told me that we could see them some time, but not today.
I enjoyed this walk very much. It was a peaceful and lovely place to walk. I would like to thank Malcolm and Gloria for having a walk together and spending the day with me.

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